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Midlands Air Ambulance Charity Complete the fields below 👇 to receive your exclusive Walk4Life challenge t-shirt once you've reached your fundraising goal of £40! 🏆



We need to contact you in relation to this challenge. Your support saves lives so we’d like to keep in touch with information about our work and ways you can make a difference. We’d do that by writing to you, or rarely telephoning you, when we think we have something you’d be interested in, such as news, activities and appeals. If you’d prefer not to hear from us, or would like to change how we contact you, please get in touch by calling 0800 8 40 20 40 or emailing supportercare@midlandsairambulance.com. We keep you contact details safe and never pass them on to others for their own use. More information is available in our Privacy Policy on our website.

Getting everything ready...

By submitting the above information you are agreeing to us using your data to process your fundraising. Please see our privacy policy for more information.

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